My journey of finding Jobs-To-Be-Done — the beginning

3 min readAug 31, 2020


The concepts of “Jobs-to-be-done”(JTBD) is a wake up call for a self-righteous strategists like myself. There are things in the world

“we just don’t know that we don’t know”.

Knowing that, we make attempts by consume information and observe people then somehow recombine and output into innovation. Such a practice is how most of us get ahead of the curve. In the recent years, innovators began employ user and marketing research methodologies to get a glimpse of what customers are thinking. JTBD makes a similar attempt with new combinations of its own philosophy, framework and processes. Some believed it to have the potential of changing the way we look at organizational design, organizational behavior, process innovation, product discovery, and perhaps, marketing communication.


I was firstly intrigued by this concept because the word “Job(s)”. In the English language, people use that word all the time, i.e getting the job done, hiring for a job, running a print job, running a cron job etc. Job(s) is everything we do or trying to do. It explains why we get up in the morning, go to the gym, buying a smartphone, or scrolling through social media apps. The concept is so simple that it made me temporarily set aside all other psychology-behavior-centric design books and focus on learning more about it. It even made it to the first blog (this blog) I’ve ever written. Whether this concept is as magical as it sounds, it’s for you to decide and find out.

I found out about Jobs-to-be-done through “Competing Against Luck” a book by Clayton M. Christensen. I think it serves a good purpose as a “JTBD 101 — introductory” book. A new friend from a book club recommended it within an hour when we first met. I guess I put out a vibe that I was looking for an answer. In my opinion, this book was an easy read with many money-making success stories. As if it was purposefully written to “inspire” business leaders. Even the title itself is a job-to-be-done for those who are in search for innovation. After all, in the modern day business activities, innovation almost means money. The book does carefully craft some hidden concepts for those who are interested in practicing JTBD. We will dig deeper in the later blogs. For now, I leave you with links to JTBD related books. Some of which are provided for free from Strategyn, the consulting company that created and practice JTBD. I have not read them all, but if you are interested in chatting about it, please feel free to start a discussion in the forum section on this website.

Boook List

Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice, by Clayton M. Christensen

The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail, by Clayton M. Christensen

The Innovator’s Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth, by Clayton M. Christensen

Jobs to Be Done: Theory to Practice by Anthony Ulwick

Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want, by Alexander Osterwalder

Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers, by Geoffrey A. Moore

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
WHEN COFFEE & KALE COMPETE: Become Great at Making Product People Will Buy, by Alan Klement

Jobs to Be Done: A Roadmap for Customer-Centered Innovation by Stephen Wunker (Author)









李彥民 Anthony 曾多年服務於美國金融機構,專精於資訊安全策略及框架規劃、資安評鑑與架構規劃,協助多家美國金融機構改善資安流程與制度管理。曾任大型投資銀行的資訊安全長(BISO),擁有資訊管理碩士學位(專修資安管理) 與「電腦駭客鑑識調查員」證照 (CHFI)。